Saturday 16 March 2013

Track Bank Account

 This program is a fully functional money manager designed to help with your personal finances. It allows you to monitor your Bank Accounts and any other savings and loans and set spending targets. It can update your accounts with any automatic transfers you have setup and supports multi-currency transactions. This Program allows you to monitor and therefore control your finances with ease. All areas are easy to understand with no accountancy jargon in sight.

Main features:

- Current (checking), Savings, Loans, Credit Card Accounts Supported
- Quick Balance Summary
- Statement Printing
- Statement Reconcilation
- Transactions in Foreign Currency
- Automatic Standing Order processing
- Automatic Direct Credits Processing
- Automatic Transfers between accounts
- Customisable transaction types
- Detailed simple to use Budgeting System
- Analyisis of Income and Expenditure
- Warns if the account is going over drawn.
- Statement and payment due reminders
- Multi-Currency Support
- Password Protected to stop prying eyes
- Ability to copy information into spreadsheets
- Context Sensitive help.
- Online program update

Speed up Youtube Bufferring a Simple trick

First Tip:

1. Go to the video you are watching
2.Right click it
3.Click "Settings"
4.Click on the folder icon
5.Slide the button to the end to set it to unlimited
6.Click close
And your done!

Tip 2:

1.Open your browser
3.Click on Join the "Feather" Beta
4.Search for any video you like